Travaux public-s!A

Link to Videoclip on Youtube

rtistic direction: Silvano Mozzini, Christiane Loch
With: Christiane Loch, Johanna Wyss, Martin Kaufmann, Silvano Mozzini
Percussion/Alphorn: Marco Käppeli or only Alphorn: Priska Walss or Paul Haag

Piece description (Pdf Doc. 1.2 MB)

5 streetworkers on a building site in their orange neon coloured outfits with unusually absurd and humorous body language.
Equipped with drills, wheelbarrow, shovels and other workman’s

equipement, they survey roads, house facades, passers-by and create unique images in and with the architecture of the town. Suddendly, a building site is set up which nobody had reckonded with.
Accompanied by the strong rhythms of their pneumatic drills, and the gentle sounds of an alphorn, they create expressive dance-acrobatic building site scenes.
A game or the reality of everyday life ? An exceptional street theatre performance based on a
building site which prompt you to laugh, stare in amazement and ponder !

Your JOKER: The individual site-specific actions can be specifically adapted to your city's architecture. Or should we block for a bus stop ... demolish a wall ... use the mayor as a road worker ... or ...?  Plan with us the next ground-breaking ceremony !

Press Reviews
..Another building site are creating “Carambole dance & theater "at the Town Hall Square.
Between sod and sunstroke thrilled with a dozen of unorthodox ways to move a wheelbarrow, to use the audience as a shut off tape and creating human still life full of style and full of life. With jackhammers and an alphorn, it is then to attempt a chamber music experiment. As their construction materials, crazy wonderful, is irritating "carambole" the audience with iconographic references and choreographic excesses. "(Northern Bavarian News)

…As construction workers dressed group Carambole kidnapped suddenly a young dancer and began with a percussion drill to edit and shut off the street. Immediately drew people in the orange coloured outfits the attention of the visitors. When they showed up with an alphorn and elicited this sounds, it soon became clear that this was a good joke. (Furttaler)