Face à Face - An auction for Man and Woman
Face à Face tells the story of a woman and a man who are tired of their common past.
Since the birth of the idea to auction her lived relationship to an auction - until nothing is left.
The audience is here as a buyer from unexpected and unprecedented services. Tragedy and comedy are close together.

Funny and grotesque fancies with language and dance enhanced by surprising erotic sculpture automaton by Martin Fischer and Kati Perriard hallmarks of the new production of Carambole dance & theater.

Carambole dance & theater won for Face à Face the Hungarian director Laszlo Hudi. Hudi was a longtime founding member of the prestigious Théâtre Jel under the direction of Josef Nadj and artistic director and director of International House Moving Company successful.

See Videoclip on Youtube

With the kindly support of:
Arts of the City of Zurich, Fachstellle culture of the canton of Zurich, Family Vontobel Foundation,
Ernst Goehner Foundation, Cultural Foundation, Winterthur, SIS Schweizerische Interpreten-Stiftung, Dancehouse, Zurich, Migros culture percentage, George and Jenny Bloch Stiftung

Interpretation: Christiane Loch and Silvano Mozzini
Idea & Concept:
Carambole, Gabor Goda, Laszlo Hudi
Laszlo Hudi
Carambole and Gabor Goda
Dram. Advice: Gabor Goda - Assistant: Simone Walde - Stage: Istvan Oldal - Apparatus: www.eromatic.org - Sound Design & Sampling: Pius Morger - Light Design: Johannes Knoth - Costumes: Susann Zangerl -

"Silvano and Christiane are not only fabulous dancers but also good actors and have a good flair for comedy. With "Face à Face" they surprised me with a lot of pride they venture into new realms. I wish them many guest appearances and a good audience, which they have earned.“ Clown Dimitri
"I was touched and saddened by the unrelenting honesty of the two long-term relationship with artists.
There were moments where I laughed heartily, and others where I got stuck the laughter in the throat.
The very feminine presence of Christiane Loch next to the macho Silvano Mozzini I really liked incredible!“ Isabella Spirig - Steps

"It is dance, dramatic, look playful and artistic content of a very, very strong piece. It has impressed me very much and also deeply touched. I think, though, and just because it has such a personal relationship with a general worth about as much goes into the deep, as I have rarely seen something." B. Guggenheim

"La Compagnia Carambole dance & theater esibita si è al Teatro Dimitri con successo. Christiane e Silvano, vantano che una carriera profiqua all back you up, con questo nuovo lavoro "Face à Face" dimostrano creatività tutta la loro nella ricerca di nuove espressioni coreografiche teatrali e con grande mestiere, sensibilità e professionalità.“ Roberto Maggini - Teatro Dimitri