L'Orgue de Barbarie
Set in a doll factory, the center of the events a conveyor belt that keeps the endless puppet production going. There are mother and son, the factory owners and actresses, as well as an employee.
The mother dreams of Prince Charming, which appears in reality as a woman.
The son cut into uncontrolled tenderness dolls on an assembly line, the employees and the alleged mistress temporarily composed of piecework.
Sometimes he rehearses the doll Enthauptungsgriffe on her neck, while he turns on the screen as Laierkastenmann his organ and scornful laughs.
The game is set between reality and dream, with ever-changing roles of victims and perpetrators.
In a highly developed language of symbols Carambole shows how love and death pervade each other.

See Videoclip on Youtube

Concept and production:
Silvano Mozzini, Gabor Goda (Budapest)
Dance, Choreography:
Christiane Loch, Silvano Mozzini, Helen Lemm
Music Composition:
Xénia Stollar (Budapest)
Gabor Goda, Silvano Mozzini
Lighting Design:
Ueli Duttweiler
60 minutes
Video available

Sponsored by:
Presidential Department of the City of Zurich, the Cultural Competence Center Canton Zurich, Walter and Ambrosina Oertli Foundation, Ernst Goehner Foundation, Migros culture percentage of Zurich, Lucerne Migros culture percentage

'... The close connection between cruelty and play matches in Zurich for the company by Christiane hole and Silvano Mozzini characteristic manner of expression, movement, voice, facial expressions and gestures and absurd images of bizarre links ...' (Neue Zürcher Zeitung)

'... And these tense pas de deux and pas de trois between Christiane Loch, Silvano Mozzini and guest dancer Helen Lemm live staging. ...' (Daily Gazette)

'The content of the piece are told with great ease and wit. The performative quality of the performers and dancing are balanced, of great flexibility and lightness. The merger of video, dance, stage and music is well done. " (Cultural Competence Center of the canton of Zurich)