l u c i d e - from the depths of lichts
Moved by the extraordinary brightness of the images of Mark Rothko, Georgia O'Keeffe and the color composition of the overspray cutouts by Henri Matisse and Christiane Loch and Gabriela Roth created a performance in which light, color, dance and music merge into poetic language.

In their presentation followed by two artists of the complexity and power of suggestion emanating from the images of light - light that is beyond the rational, comprehensible and over again to überrasschen in diverse ways again and touch.

An award-winning dancer Christiane Loch goes on in this project is a gentle way, to the stunning works of artists Rothko, O'Keeffe, and Matisse, and becomes an instrument - Color is physically accessible, sound and light to find the body language - danced light.
In selected by Gabriela Roth and partly self-composed piano pieces played by the pianist and composer with a subtle and multifaceted relations between sound, space, light, color and movement.
Philip Oettli creates with his image projected at the same scenery and fascinating spaces.

Sponsored by:
Presidential Department of the City of Zurich, the Cultural Competence Center Canton of Zurich, George and Jenny Bloch Stiftung, Migros culture percentage Zurich, Ernst Goehner Foundation, College of Art and Design Zurich, Swiss artist Foundation