DISINFECTION 6 dance steps of hygienic hand disinfection

A dance and musical performance on "hand hygiene"
The correct disinfecting technology has a decisive influence on the germs found on your hands. Therefore, the correct way of hygienic hand disinfecting is recommended.
Practice „the six dance steps for hygienic hand disinfection“   until it becomes a ritualized form of dance for the hands, and it becomes automatic and fun!

Carambole will show you how it is done!

We will perform the 4 minute dance for you in the location of your choice,
wherever ... whenever….. and as often as you want!
We also offer a 15 minute performance for your special occasion or their symposium.

DISINFECTION was created for the University Hospital of Zurich and has been
successfully presented several times .

The new 13-minute performance on patient zone, created in collaboration with the University Hospital Zurich for the hygiene Symposium 2013.
Hand hygiene is actually simple, but is forgotten before patient contact every second time. Make it work, it needs a deep-seated automatism. The hands have to find the handle of the bottle alone, while the head is busy with diagnoses, laboratory values, and call planning. What is not always so easy ...

The idea of a different approach the patient zone was certainly a highlight: thank carambola.
Comment on hand hygiene event at the University Hospital Zurich, 23 April 2013

"I thank you for your great work, your great power and charisma. The two days of action of hygiene have been enriched by your dance performance and super supplements. "
Yvonne Huber, an expert anesthesia care RF NDS Hirslanden, Zurich.

Carambole led this "dance" through the program. In particular, the issue of hand disinfection was not just theory, but has been practically implemented in an impressive performance in the sense that "if the hands dance". An unforgettable experience, a great opportunity to hygiene issues with dance and theater, light-footed and elated to be transmitted.
Barbara Schöbi, Senior Advisor Hospital Epidemiology, Kantonsspital St. Gallen

The dancers of the group "carambola dance & theater" have thrilled with her six steps to proper hand hygiene dance many patients, visitors, employees and doctors. With their performances, they have managed to anchor the hand hygiene in a different way in our minds.
Veronika Reinecke, hygiene manager, Hirslanden Zurich

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