See Videoclip “Pausen...los“
See Videoclip Shortpiece “Happy End“ ToG Winterthur

Today the different generations are usually living in separate worlds. Inside the family relations between grandparents and their grandchildren are usually good, outside the family contacts are rare and often full of conflicts. Relations changed from a respectful "together" to a rather indifferent "coexistence". Thus valuable resources are lost.
With Dance of the Generations we want to give younger (up to 25 years) and older (55 and older) persons the opportunity to meet in a creative context and to deal with different physical conditions and life experiences.

Dance of Generations
combines young dancing professionals and older amateur dancers.
Dance of Generations
makes young and old people work, talk, dance and laugh together.
Dance of Generations
overcomes generation gaps and prejudices.
Dance of Generations encourages young and old people to get back together in conversation.

When the generations meet there is strength, vitality and joy.
This experience was shared by the performers  of  'Pausen...los!' as well as by the participants of Dance of Generations in Winterthur. (see background)
The 'young' benefited from the life experience and wisdom of the 'old', the 'old' from the energy and stamina of the 'young'. And sometimes it was suddenly no longer clear who was young and who was old.

Gian Gianotti, artistic director of Theater Winterthur about Dance of Generations:
"The idea of Dance of Generations fascinated us by it's basic definition. We have just seen the potential in it that was important and needful for our relationship with society. All discussions about the definition and realization of the guest performance 'Pausen...los!' on 9 November 2008 and the follow-up project Dance of Generations were outlined, implemented and taken care of very competently by Carambole.
As a theater for guest performances, we came into the extraordinary benefit of an integrative project that united our older audience, interested spectators, and the 'Theater am Gleis' in Winterthur to our full satisfaction. For the theater and for the local participants this cooperation was an important and beautiful success. Christiane Loch and Silvano Mozzini deserve our respect and our heartfelt thanks! "

DANCE OF GENERATIONS in Winterthur 2009
Artistic Director:
Christiane Loch and Silvano Mozzini
Developement of short pieces by 3 choreographers from Winterthur and the region during 3 months. 
Choreographers: C. Puccio, D. Kellermüller & M. Schelbert, J. Huber.
Creation of a 4th short piece with all the participants by C. Loch and S. Mozzini.
Final presentations of the 4 pieces in Winterthur 16 - 17 May 09.

With the support of:
Ernst Goehner Foundation, Family Vontobel Foundation, Cultural Foundation, Winterthur Migros culture percentage,  Divertimento - dance Aadorf